NRS Kitchen pvt. Ltd

How to Use a Commercial Coffee Machine

coffee machine

Would you love to know more about the detailed fleet of steps on how to use a commercial coffee machine? This particular segment has, therefore, been divided into two parts. In the first part, you would be taught how to brew fresh café essence using the drip method way. In the latter half of the segment, you will be briefed on how to brew coffee using the expresso style.So stay tuned to read the article, right until the end.


How to prepare using a drip coffee machine?

Would you love to know more about the detailed fleet of steps on how to use a commercial coffee machine? This particular segment has, therefore, been divided into two parts. In the first part, you would be taught how to brew fresh café essence using the drip method way. In the latter half of the segment, you will be briefed on how to brew coffee using the expresso style. So stay tuned to read the article, right until the end.

Pour water into the drip machine

You will have to fill water into the tank. Make sure you don’t pour water until the brim of the coffee machine. You have a marker line that says ‘Max fill’. You will have to fill in water up until that level only. You also need to make sure that you pour cold or purified mineral water. This is recommended mainly as you don’t want surds, limestone, or mineral buildup over the coffee dispenser.

Drop Coffee powder in

You will now have to put the freshly ground coffee powder into the exterior granular. In other words, you will have to put the freshly brewed coffee powder into the funnel. At the same time, the water has already been poured into the coffee tank. If you have filled the water tank almost up to the max line, you can add five tablespoons of coffee powder into the exterior funnel. You can uniformly spread the powder by gently stirring it from side to side.

Plug the machine on

This is the third and final step. You close the commercial coffee machine with the designated lid. You will have to switch on the power plug. Let it stay on for 5-7 minutes. The café essence is now fresh. It is ready for use. And you can have a hot cup of coffee with your mom, dad, hubby, brother or sister.

Using the expresso-styled method

Taking you through the 2nd segment on how to use a commercial coffee maker. This time, you would be brewing coffee using the expresso styled way. Here is the detailed set of steps:

Fill the water inside the café tank

You will have to fill in a sufficient amount of water inside the café tank. The quantity must be optimal in conjunction with the amount of coffee powder you would love to add. In case you are just the two of you, say you and your hubby, you need to add enough water to hold two tablespoons of freshly ground coffee powder. If you have guests coming over, you can add five to six tablespoons of granular or grounded coffee powder. Then, you will have to add water accordingly. The reservoir is usually located on the side or back of the machine.

Use tepid water

The water must not be too hot. You can use normal tepid water or cool condensed or purified water. This is mainly because you don’t want calcium carbonates, limestone, or mineral buildup on your café machine.

Warm up the machine

You want the aroma or the taste of the café to be irresistible. Then, it would help if you allowed the machine to warm up. Allow at least 15 to 45 minutes for the commercial coffee machine to warm up. Some varieties come to you with a temperature alert. Once it turns red, it simply means that the café machine is just at or above the brewing temperature. Now, if you pour water, it will heat up, and you will arrive at the most required temperature to force hot water through the coffee grounds.

Grind the coffee beans

If you want the perfectly brewed latte or expresso, then it is ideal that you grind coffee seeds all by yourself. As you are already in the commercial space, you know how much your customers crave a freshly brewed cup of espresso café. Keeping this in mind, you can grind the beans every time you want to brew an espresso. You can use a burr grinder instead of a blade one. Then, you will have the beans ground with a uniform consistency.

Apply pressure while you add the pounded coffee powder

To force the pressure down the café machine, you will have to know the knack of how it is being done. You will have to get a portafilter rotated. A portafilter is a small metallic dish that has a long handle. This can eventually be attached to the commercial coffee machine. The filter screen in the portafilter is called the basket. The portafilter now fills the grinder chute, and the café basket is filled in evenly. Once you fill the portafilter with the pounded coffee grounds, you use your clean forefingers to achieve a uniform level on the casket. Now, use a tamper. Have you been wondering what a tamper is all about? Well, it is a flat metal disk with a rubber handle. This equipment makes the coffee seeds fit compactly into the portafilter. You will have to achieve a pressure of 14 kg or 30 pounds for the perfect consistency.

Allow the machine to brew

Now, plug the coffee machine into the power plug socket to brew the requisite amount of expresso. The more pressure you apply through hot water, you get the expresso in a consistent quantity and a fabulous quality. You need to practice sessions with respect to how to use a commercial coffee maker.

Boil milk to mix with the expresso

Your expresso is now all ready for use. You can boil milk in the coffee tank. You must have used the reservoir to fill the water at the initial stage. You can drip dry or clean up the tank to boil or skim the required amount of milk. Add the expresso to the milk. You can serve the piping hot expresso with cookies or fresh fruit cakes. Voila! You are all set to enjoy home-made or commercially prepared expresso café the style you always wanted to. These steps give you end-to-end procedures on how to brew coffee using a commercially acclaimed coffee maker.

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